Mimic LaTeX in HTML by CSS and JS

Mimic LaTeX in HTML by CSS and JS Including Heading Number, List Types, Math (Including Amsthm) and Physics Package.

First, this post is only relevant if you use MultiMarkdown.


I want to make the MMD to HTML output looks closer to the MMD to LaTeX output. In short, you can use my multimarkdown-latex.css from ickc/multimarkdown-latex-css to mimic

  1. Nested list styling
  2. Heading numbering (including the same numbering in the TOC element)
  3. And amsthm 1


Using MathJax and my Physics extension in MathJax-third-party-extensions/physics2, many Math packages and the Physics package behavior can be mimic in HTML (and hence Markdown too).

You can use the MathJax setup in ickc/multimarkdown-latex-css/load-mathjax-cdn.min.html (put in in the head of the HTML or add a metadata of HTMLHeader in MultiMarkdown). That one already includes the Physics, cancel, AMS numbering extensions.

Lastly, there’s a highlight.js setup in multimarkdown-latex-css/load-highlight-cdn.min.html

The following is a demo of all these features 3:


MathJax and Physics


\[\begin{equation} \ket{\upsilon} \end{equation}\]


\[\begin{equation} \cancel{p} \end{equation}\]

Also see the equation numbering above.


while IFS='' read -r line || [[ -n "$line" ]]; do
    iconv -f big5-2003 -t utf-8 "$line" > temp
    sed -i '' s/big5/utf-8/ temp
    mv -f temp "$line"
done < "$1"





  1. testing
  2. testing
    1. testing
    2. testing
      1. testing
      2. testing
        1. testing
        2. testing


  • testing
  • testing
    • testing
    • testing
      • testing
      • testing
        • testing
        • testing


See the heading numbering above

  1. from my folk of ickc/peg-multimarkdown-latex-support, you can setup the amsthm in LaTeX in parallel with the CSS there↩︎

  2. it doesn’t provide everything the Physics package in LaTeX provides, because I practically know nothing about Javascript…↩︎

  3. I cheated because the HTML here is generated by kramdown (and the highlight by rouge that kramdown used) that Jekyll used. See this one for a full demo of an output by MMD to HTML directly.↩︎